Paediatric Acupuncture
Paediatric Acupuncture
Natural Healing
In 2022 I embarked on a new journey to complete my training in paediatric acupuncture after seeing the benefits for both of my own children who had needed treatment for various conditions. The results were amazing and I witnessed them get stronger and more confident as their wellbeing improved. this made me want to gain the knowledge for myself so that I could assist other children and young people in my clinic.
Chinese medicine is a holistic approach and is not just about needles. Your child may be happy to try needles, but many are not, so I also use a number of alternative techniques with children to get the same results. Where appropriate, I will also teach parents some of these techniques so that you can help your child at home.
Acupuncture for children can sound scary but treatments are uniquely designed and personalised around each child, including children who are worried about needles.

What can paediatric acupuncture
help with?
Common issues that can be addressed include:
Asthma and allergies
Anxiety and depression
Behavioural issues
Colic, reflux and stomach-ache
Coughs and colds
Eating problems
Ear conditions
Food allergies and intolerances
Growing pains
Hay fever
Headaches and migraines
Mental-emotional conditions
Nausea and vomiting
Teenage menstrual problems
Teeth problems or teething
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)